The Surprising Truth About Chicken Thighs: Are They Really Healthy?

Are you tired of bland, dry chicken breast but still want to maintain a healthy diet? Discover why chicken thighs might just be your new favorite protein source!

Chicken Breast vs. Chicken Thighs: Which One Should You Choose?

If you've been told to stick with chicken breast for healthy eating, you're not alone. The common narrative is that chicken breast is the go-to meat for healthy eating, while chicken thighs are often viewed less favourably.
However, this isn't necessarily the case. Chicken thighs are actually just as good and should definitely be included in your diet. Both cuts have their own unique flavors, so let’s dive into which one should you choose?

Nutritional Comparison in Common Protein Sources

Here’s a breakdown of the protein content in various common protein sources:
Reference: USDA Standard Reference Database

When comparing across common protein sources, chicken breast has a higher protein content at 22.5 grams per 100 grams, compared to chicken thighs' 19.6 grams. Despite the difference, chicken thighs still provide a significant amount of protein among the rest, making them a valuable addition to your diet.

Which to Choose?

The high-protein profile of chicken breast makes it ideal for muscle building. However, if you’re not a bodybuilder or gym junkie but just someone looking to eat healthy, it’s perfectly fine to go for chicken thighs if that’s your taste preference.
Chicken thighs are known for their rich flavor and tender texture, which can make your meals more enjoyable and help you stick to a healthy eating plan.

Balancing Taste and Health

One key aspect to remember when choosing this cut is the way you prepare and cook them makes a huge difference.

Here are some tips to make your chicken thighs healthier:

  1. Remove the Skin: The skin of chicken thighs contains a significant amount of fat. By removing it, you can lower the calorie and fat content of your meal.
  2. Trim the Fat: Excess fat can also be trimmed off to reduce overall fat intake.
  3. Healthier Cooking Methods: Opt for roasting, baking, or grilling instead of frying. These methods require less oil and help retain the nutritional benefits of chicken thighs without adding extra calories.
  4. Season Smartly: Use herbs, spices, and light marinades instead of heavy sauces to keep the flavor high and calorie count low.

Enjoy your chicken thighs without feeling guilty! They are a great source of protein and can fit into a healthy diet with the right preparation— just be mindful of the cooking preparation. Achieving your health goals doesn’t mean sacrificing taste. There is a choice for everyone!

For a variety of meal plans that balance health and deliciousness, consider exploring options with us at Diet Your Way. Enjoy the perfect blend of flavor and nutrition worry-free!

Written by:

Jerrica Jerry


As a Nutritionist at Diet Your Way, I combine my background in Nutrition, graduating from the University of Nottingham Malaysia, with my enthusiasm for fitness to help guide others to reach their health goals. My love for fitness fuels my commitment to promoting sustainable healthy eating habits to the community and making nutritious food enjoyable for everyone.
