Are weight loss shakes sustainable?

I think everyone who has tried to lose weight can agree that weight loss is a journey, for some of us it's a short one and for others it can be a marathon.

Nowadays there are many solutions that are available to help us with this journey and one of them and I’m sure we’ve all seen them lining the aisles in the supermarket with their colorful labels and amazing promises are weight loss shakes.

Unsurprisingly these shakes are popular with multiple brands and flavors in the market and it makes sense with the promises these shakes are selling. But have you ever wondered if these shakes really work?

In this article we will take a look at the science behind these shakes and look at whether they are a sustainable method for weight loss.

So what are weight loss shakes exactly?

Weight loss shakes are essentially healthy milkshakes that are developed specifically to help induce weight loss.

Commonly in powder form, these shakes are mixed with water and the calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat content is controlled. The calories that these shakes contain around 150-250kcal and are commonly less calories than an average meal, this results in an energy deficit which can result in weight loss (1).

On top of this, additional ingredients such as fat burners, appetite suppressants and laxatives may be added to the shake to enhance its properties.

Do they work?

This is probably the most important question in someone's weight loss journey especially when you have tried everything and nothing seems to be working.

Research has shown that weight loss shakes can provide weight loss over a short period of time, however they will only work if you take them. If you stop the shakes, the effect will stop immediately.

Other benefits of using a weight loss shake are convenience, it can be a healthier alternative to fast food and it can be used on the go if you have a busy lifestyle.

Some individuals have found that taking shakes has resulted in weight gain, this could be caused by the individuals consuming excess calories in their meals to make up for the energy deficit in these shakes.

Are they safe?

Weight loss shakes are not regulated, this means that potentially harmful ingredients such as laxatives, appetite suppressants or fat burners can be in these shakes and can potentially cause harmful side effects such as diarrhea, heart palpitations and dizziness.

If you do decide to use a weight loss shake,there are some steps you can take to minimize the potential health concerns. These include; reading the label and checking the ingredients, do your research and read reviews of the brand you are looking at and whether or not they cause potential health side effects and if you have a medical condition consult with your healthcare provider before you try a shake, ingredients in the shake may interact with your condition and cause potential health complications (2).

To shake or not to shake?

Whilst weight loss shakes may seem promising especially after you’ve tried everything, are they sustainable and are they actually feasible?

Weight loss shakes can be expensive, they provide the same texture and similar flavor every time,their ingredients can be harmful to our health, the quantity and quality of nutrients they contain is less than whole foods, they can be socially isolating especially if you are drinking them at a social event and they do not fix unhealthy eating behaviors (1).

In order for weight loss shakes to work for a long period of time, you would have to take the shake on a daily basis and it would only work if you continue to use it. If you decide to stop the shake, it can result in gaining back the weight you’ve lost as you revert to your old eating habits.

Finally, weight loss shakes can also shift us into a weight loss mentality and cause us to become obsessed over our weight. Over time this can lead to more concerning issues such as eating disorders.

So what can we do instead?

Now that we have established that shaking may not be the most sustainable method for weight loss, what else can we do? Luckily there are other methods with more promising results.

Eating whole foods instead of a shake can be a better alternative, foods provide us with different textures, tastes as well important nutrients. These nutrients include vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Fiber has been proven to help reduce cholesterol levels and….(drum roll) weight loss. When you eat whole foods, you also know exactly what you are putting into your body and there are no concerns over the safety of ingredients.

Whilst there are some foods that won’t be effective in weight loss, it's important to maintain a balance of nutrients. The Malaysian Healthy Plate Method advises for half of your plate to be fruits and veg including salad, a quarter meat and a quarter starch (3). Another important factor to consider in meals is the calorie content of the meal. Although weight loss shakes may not be sustainable, the science behind them is sound. A calorie deficit has been found to induce weight loss, therefore if your meal contains a calorie deficit then theoretically it will help to induce weight loss (1).

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and combining it with regular exercise will also help contribute towards your nutrition and weight loss goals.

Take Home Message

Weight loss shakes can seem alluring however in the long run they are a short term solution to weight loss and may not be the best long term solution.

Alternative solutions such as eating whole foods combined with a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity are safer, more sustainable and can help you reach your weight loss goals.


  1. Craig J. 2013. ‘Meal Replacement Shakes and Nutrition Bars: Do they help individuals with Diabetes lose weight?’ Diabetes Spectrum. Vol. 26, no. 3.
  2. Hirschfield, J. Protein Powders May Be Doing More Harm than Good. Available at: (Accessed: 25 March 2022)
  3. Panduan Pinggan Sihat Malaysia #SukuSukuSeparuh
